Asking questions

 Question word / auxilary / S / verb ?




Where does Ali live ? ===> " Wh" question

Does he work here? ===> " yes or no " question



NB: A retenir par coeur

Where / does / she / live ?

Question word / auxilary / S / verb ?



Demba took his father's car to go to Thies, because they have a ceremony there.

Thies is a big town, 70 km away from Dakar.


1. Si le sujet est une personne, on utilise WHO si c'est une chose WHAT.

Demba Who took his father's car?


2. Si on a un verbe, on met WHAT suivi de  TO DO conjugué au temps du verbe souligné + Sujet du verbe + DO / DOING .

took = What did Demba do?


3. Si on a une possession, on utilise WHOSE suivi de l'objet possédé.

father's = Whose car did Demba take?


4. But = WHAT ................FOR ?

to go to Thies = What did Demba take his father's car for ?


5. Cause = WHY

they have a ceremony there = Why did Demba take his father's car ?


6.  Si on a un adjectif descriptif, on utilise : WHAT.................LIKE ?

big = What is Thies like ?


7. Si c'est une distance, HOW FAR........................................?

70 kmHow far is Thies ?














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